Thanks to the Internet you can carry out all the research required when purchasing a new car with just a few mouse clicks. You will be able to find the most competitive price, along with your desired features and the location of the best dealership to complete your purchase. Those elements are all important and need to be combined with one more element, which is timing. When you actually purchase the car is as important as the budget you have available to purchase that car.
The following will help you find the best time to purchase a new car:
On a Monday
Weekends are when most people purchase a new car. Many dealerships advertise special deals from Fridays to Sundays. Those special deals can mean the dealerships are crowded during the specials. By waiting until a Monday, there will be fewer people shopping which can give you more opportunities to sit with the salesperson and negotiate a deal. Yes, you will want to do a lot of negotiating!
Memorial Day Weekend
At the start of spring, the dealerships get busier, because more folks want to hit the road. If you can wait until the Memorial Day weekend, you may get an excellent deal on a new car. The dealers are aware that the Memorial Day weekend is an excellent opportunity to attract prospective customers and they do everything possible to make deals happen.
During the month of October
If you do not purchase a vehicle in the month of May, then the next best time would be October. This is generally when the majority of dealerships carry out the transition to next year’s model. That places them in a mood for selling as they need space on the dealership floor. You will be getting a much better deal on a current year vehicle.
On New Year’s Eve
There may be lots of activity on New Year’s Eve relating to going out in the evening. But it is a normal business day as usual at the car dealerships. It is also the final day of the year to achieve their annual quotas. You could find a few special year-end deals that cannot be beaten. There’s also the chance that the dealer is in a rush to complete a deal as they have a New Year’s Eve party they want to attend.
When it comes to purchasing a new car, be strategic with your online research and with your timing.